Company Profile
L & M DISTRIBUTION FZE L&M Distribution FZE was incorporated in the year 2002 in Dubai, UAE. Having Office and Warehousing facility of 5000 sqft Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai. Main product lines include HP, Dell, Canon, brother acer, Asus and apple, primarily for Notebooks, Desktop PCs, All In Ones, Printers and Led Monitors. Company is being owned by Mishra Brothers Rajeev and Sanjeev. L&M Distribution has a very strong presence in African regions East, West and South Africa along with Central and East Asia. Company is majorly in cross country trade and global buying & selling of IT hardware products. It has adequate working capital and buys products from both local as well as overseas suppliers. The company apart from its Jebel Ali operations also has its retail operations in Dubai under AARM Computer Trading LLC. . The group turnover of the company for the year 2019 is USD126 Million.
Trading in Following Products:
Company Information
Business Type: | |
Number Of Employees: | 21-50 |
Annual Turnover: | 50,000,001 - UP |
Joining as: | Exporters |
Place Of Incorporation: | U.A.E |
Year Established: | 2001 |