Selling: P4 2.2 ghz thru 3.0 ghz and 17

P4 2.2 ghz thru 3.0 ghz and 17
$ 42,922 USD - Call for latest price
(233) Tested Working 17" BLACK Monitors / 2004+ Datecodes / Good Condition / Viewsonic - $23.00<br /> (207) Tested Working 17" BLACK Monitors / 2003+ Datecodes / Good Condition / DELL, Compaq, & HP - $21.00<br /> (15) Tested Working P4 2.2ghz / 512 / 40gig / CD - $72.00<br /> (25) Tested Working P4 2.4ghz / 1024 / 40gig / CD - $79.00<br /> (217) Tested Working P4 2.8ghz / 512 / 40-80gig / CD - $92.00<br /> (103) Tested Working P4 3.0ghz / 512-1024 / 40gig / CD - $99.00<br /> Brands: Monitors Approximately 52% Viewsonic, 24% Dell, 22% HP/ Compaq.... Computers Approximately 47% HP/ Compaq, 44% DELL, 8% Gateway<br /> Approximately 13% SFF with Regular Size CD... <br /> Total Lot Price $42922.00 (Freight and Insurance to be determined by buyers port) USD<br /> warranty: 90% Working 10 Day DOA<br /> packing: 40-Ft HC container CIF: Destination Port<br /> Reference Number: 7724D
Country: USA
One time
Posted on: 2008-07-15
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